Directions (driving north):
Follow I-5 N to exit 28.
Turn Left on La Jolla Village Dr.
Turn Right on Via La Jolla Dr.
Turn Left onto Gilman Dr.
Directions (driving south):
Follow I-5 S to exit 28.
Turn Right on La Jolla Village Dr.
Turn Right on Via La Jolla Dr.
Turn Left onto Gilman Dr.
Parking is available in the Gilman Parking Structure
at the corner of Villa La Jolla Dr. and Gilman Dr.
Joiner Lab

Contact information: Directions (driving south): Directions (driving north):
Department of Pharmacology Follow I-5 S to exit 28. Follow I-5 N to exit 28.
University of California San Diego Turn Right on La Jolla Village Dr. Turn Left on La Jolla Village Dr.
9500 Gilman Dr., BSB 3082 Turn Right on Via La Jolla Dr. Turn Right on Via La Jolla Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093-0636 Turn Left onto Gilman Dr. Turn Left onto Gilman Dr.
Telephone: (858) 534-3375 Parking is available in the Gilman Parking Structure
Email: at the corner of Villa La Jolla Dr. and Gilman Dr.

Contact information:
Department of Pharmacology
University of California San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr., BSB 3082
La Jolla, CA 92093-0636
Telephone: (858) 534-3375
Visitor map